Punisher: Relativity (Series Pitch)

The Pitch: Giant Marvel crossover events have never interested Frank Castle as much as the private, endless war he wages on the lesser scum of Earth.  Although he has chosen not to participate in these grand exercises, he has monitored them from afar and analyzed their outcomes, giving him a unique perspective on the varying effectiveness of Earth’s heroes in these situations.  Armed with this intel (and a couple of very large guns) The Punisher puts into motion a plan far larger and more dangerous than anything he has ever attempted before.

In the summer of 2013 Christopher O’Keeffe and I put together a pitch for the kind of Punisher storyline we both wanted to see be made. Nothing really came of the project, but we still have all of the work in tact from the pitch packet.

This packet was used to teach with during the “Get A Grasp!” massive open online course conducted by MakingComics.com in the spring of 2014.

Concept Cover Art:


Character Design:


The Pitch: